April 09, 2008

Set It and Forget It

Ronco's Showtime Rotisserie Oven

I've had this machine for about 5 years and I LOVE IT! Two of my Uncle and Aunt's have it and so does my grandmother and trust me, my family knows food! I don't know how Ronco's other products are but this one truly does what it claims to do. That's surprising since it is an infomercial product. This baby cooks a 4 lb chicken in less than 45 min. The skin comes out so crispy and golden brown and the meat stays juicy and moist. The best part is the fat drips down after basting the meat and crisping up the skin. I like to season my chicken with garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper but really the possibilities are endless. Butter and oil is not needed. The machine is simple to use. It really is set it and forget it but just to be safe you should check on it once in a while. It's also easy to clean because most parts are non stick and can be thrown in the dishwasher. I line the bottom with foil so I can just lift that off with all the fat drippings and throw it away. It also makes awesome chicken wings which I am making right now. MMMMM I can smell the skin getting crispy as I type. It's also great for Italian sausages. I LOVE the heavy duty heat proof gloves that it comes with! Both are of high quality materials and construction.

Do you have a Ronco product?


  1. Oooh! Oooh! I do! I love my Ronco rotisserie! I've made ribs, whole chickens, turkey breast roasts, chicken pieces, a huge ham, and more. It's the best!

  2. I know the idea is to drip off the fat, but, in Paris where they sell rotissierie chicken at the markets, they pile the bottom of the ovens with small potatoes. As the birds cook, the drippings season the potatoes. Now that's good eating!

  3. Yes, you can. It is a pretty neat gadget . . . MUCH better than some of the junk sold by Ronco.

    BUT . . . beware, if you are a "clean nut" like my wife, Dr. E., it is a real challenge to clean it up after roasting a chicken, for example.

    However, since I am the one who usually uses it, I believe that the cleanup time is worth the end result.

    (our IP address ends in .174 to avoid confusion with our cyberstalker, chiffOnade)

  4. Kate, that's a great idea. I think I'm going to try that next time. There goes trying to eat a little healthier!


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