September 23, 2009

I heart my blog

I love my blog. Not because it's fabulous or really interesting, because it's neither, but because it's like a library for all the things I've cooked or eaten. I have the worst memory so this blog remembers it for me! I just watered the garden and have an abundance of cucumbers that I can't finish all by myself so a great idea popped into my head to make PICKLES! I've made them before and they came out AWESOME but I can't remember where I put my recipe or who's blog inspired me to make them. For the past 10 min I've been searching and searching until I realized that I blogged about it and here it is!!!! This is great! No need to rummage through piles of index cards with written recipes or binders filled with recipe print outs, no need to search through every file in my computer because it's all logged right here in my blog! I'm all smiles!

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