December 08, 2009

Pierre Herme Macarons

I don't like macarons. I find them overly sweet and flavorless with a texture that is unappealing. But lucky me, my macaron loving friend bought me back a box of these lovelies from Paris hoping to sway my opposition. Oh did she ever! The macarons made in France are of a different animal. Same cookie but the flavor and texture is so much better! Taste and texture of macarons are very important because there's not much going on. It's a very simple cookie that is relatively easy to make but very difficult to make well. There are three components that make a good macaron: 1. Filling 2. Crispy Crust 3. Chewy Texture.

Look at the crust of the PH macaron. You can see that the top has a nice crackly airy crust without being hollow. Underneath that is a chewy toothsome layer.
Now look at all that filling! The ratio of filling to cookie is perfect, there's just enough filling to be on the edge of indulgence without falling off. None of PH's macarons were cloyingly sweet and come in wonderful flavors. Why oh why are we here in the states so cheap with macaron filling when we are so apt to squirt a truck load of jelly filling in a greasy doughnut? Why?
From top to bottom: Rose Lychee, Vanilla, Pistachio, Chocolate Passionfruit, Salted Caramel (there's 3 of these).
They were all delicious but I think my favorite was the pistachio. PH's fillings are so on point. Prevalent yet subtle and definitely not artificial tasting. The whole macaron, filling and outer cookie, just melts together to form something spectacular in your mouth. PH's macarons are definitely sexy.
Thanks JH now I am a convert. I love macarons but specifically I love Pierre Herme macarons. Click on the brochure pictures to see a bigger view of all his flavors and find out where in Paris you can find them.


  1. They look delicious! :)

    Happy New Year,


  2. im glad to see that Pierre Herme has changed your mind on macarons! I've yet to try one too :D


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