January 05, 2009

Hello 2009!

Whew I made it! I made it through the busy holiday season working by myself. Thanksgiving hit me hard and I wasn't quite recovered when Christmas was looming over the horizon. By the time New Year's Eve came I was beyond exhausted, depressed, and disgruntled. I was at the point where my mind stopped complaining in my head and I went on autopilot. I've had a couple days off from work and I'm actually happy. I've been this cranky nasty bitch at work and now I'm glad to be sane again. I'm looking forward to the next few months which should be slow in the kitchen. Now I can perform every task with full concentration and put some things back on the menu that I had to 86. I can work on some new cakes and pastries! I don't know what the fuck I've been putting out the past couple of months. I've just been pushing shit out. And that doesn't make me happy. It is important for me to care about the work I do, to put some heart and soul into it. Also I decided that I was going to let the owner know that she should look for a replacement for me. I'm giving her a couple of months of notice because it's going to take her that long to find someone and then have me train them to do everything. It's ridiculous that I've been working by myself for 4 months now. I haven't spoken much about my boss here on my blog but for those who are in ear shot of me know that she drives me crazy with her laziness and uselessness. The reason why I've been working like a dog is because she's too lazy to find a new hire. It would be cheaper for her to have two people working instead of paying me all the OT I work. I just can not work for someone who doesn't care about the success of their own business. I refuse to help to someone who can not help themselves. For example our hot water faucet started to drip. The owner never fixed it and soon it became a pretty heavy leak. That's money just washing down the drain. And still the owner never called a plumber to come fix it. She's lucky that the savory cook and I care enough to turn off the hot water. Every time we needed to wash dishes or wash our hands we had to run down to the basement to the supply closet, climb on a chair to turn the water on, and then run back upstairs to use the faucet and then run back downstairs to turn it back off. That went on for 2 weeks until the guy who delivers our paper cups was nice enough to put in a new rubber washer. She's so irresponsible that she will lock the doors and leave a note that says be back in 2 hours during lunch time so she can go hang out. Now how on earth are we going to make money if we are closed during lunch time?! For Christmas she planned this whole winter wonderland landscape to be put in our display window in front of the restaurant. It's past new years and it's still not done! Maybe it will make an appearance for Valentine's day! Puhahahhaha. I liked how she lied to me and told me the gingerbread houses were still drying at home but when I peered into the trunk of her car I can see all the candy she bought to make it still unmoved. The business isn't making money so it's just depressing. I can't take it anymore. So on to bigger and better things! Perhaps when I'm gone I can air out all the crazy stories I have of the place.

On a more happy note, I made buche de noels with Ludo and Florian for Christmas. Working with them has been really awesome. Them two are crazy French fucks! We made a chocolate buche with chocolate biscuit, chocolate mousse, and hazelnut feuilletine and a raspberry vanilla buche with mascarpone mousse, raspberry coulis, and almond biscuit. For New Years I had a country club order for 3 sheet pan length baked alaskan cakes and a cheesecake decorated like Superman with strawberries and blueberries. Interesting.

Today is my last day off so tonight I'm going to make pasta with puttanesca sauce and a green tea chiffon cake! Bonne Annee everyone! Soon Chinese New Year will be upon us and I'll be making mooncakes!

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