May 25, 2008

OMG I've Been Tagged!

Desperate Chefs' Wives tagged me. OMG! I feel like the nerdy girl that just got invited to the cool girl's party in the basement of her parents house while they are away on vacation! Those parties are notorious for spin the bottle! Thanks for the nice shout out Desperate Chefs' Wives! I feel cool =)

The Rules:
Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random, facts, habits or goals about yourself. At the end, choose 6 (but I'm changing it to 3) people to be tagged, list their names & why you tagged them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment saying “You’re it!” & to go read your blog. You cannot tag the person that tagged you, so since you’re not allowed to tag me back; let me know when you are done so I can go read YOUR weird/random/odd facts, habits and goals.

1. I will eat anything, anywhere, anytime. Hopefully it's delicious.

2. I am a fat girl trapped in a skinny girl's body.

3. I'm still not sure about this whole cooking thing (I'm a pastry cook). But somehow I can't seem to let it go.

4. I moved to China by myself for 6 months.

5. I hate carrying an umbrella in the rain because I'm scared it will close on my head.

6. I don't really eat sweets! =X I like my savory food!

7. I hardly bake at home! =X But I do cook.

8. I use Cambro's at home to store goods. I also label food with tape and a sharpie marker. And of course I date it.

9. If I win the lotto I would buy a farm with horses, cows, chicken, pigs, and a garden full of veggies, fruit, and flowers.

10. When I was little I had a crush on Arnold Schwarzenneger.

You're It!

1. My Cake Wardrobe because she takes really great pictures!

2. The Wandering Eater because I remember when she came to a restaurant I was working at for dessert.

3. Adventures in Culinary School & Beyond because he gives an accurate and interesting depiction of how it's like to be fresh out of school and working in the kitchen.


  1. Thanks. I've updated my blog and have since checked out yours.

  2. Thanks for the tag!! :) haha I'm afraid of carrying an umbrella incase the wind decides to turn me into a chaotic Mary Poppins. I rather ruin my hair!

  3. i want to cook for you! what would your stomach like?

  4. I still have a crush on Arnold.

  5. I read somewhere that you take amazing pictures. Will you return the favor and invite me to your photo shoots? puahahah

  6. Rog usually the food only lasts for one picture before I devour it! Sometimes it doesn't even make it to that one picture!


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